STOP in the name of love – Think it O – O –ver

Just because you have reproductive organs does not mean that you should reproduce. Deciding to become a parent is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. I know, those ribbons, bows, and itty bitty football shirts are so dang cute. But, remember, you will be responsible for keeping another human being alive and you’re probably not a doctor!!!!! You must provide food, clothing, & shelter. You must provide unconditional love. You must be at their beck and call 24 hours a day. You must not leave them unattended. And, I haven’t even gotten to the terrible two’s. Of course, all of those “musts” are contingent upon the premise that you plan on being a GOOD parent.

Consider this:

If it’s important that you go to the club every Friday and Saturday stop-small If an updated wardrobe is the most important thing in your life stop-small If you need 12 hours of sleep each day stop-small I’m not saying that you will never be ready, but until you can accept the fact that it’s never going to be about you, again stop-small

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