I’m sorry for your loss

im sorry for your lossMy mother died 8 years ago after a 9 year bout with Alzheimers (my kids cringe every time I lose my car keys). I am still trying to provide financial closure to her estate. She never shared information about her assets or liabilities. Before she died, I discussed cremation with her and she said “You are not going to burn my soul I want to be buried.” I’m glad I asked. Parents, don’t shy away from discussions on death and dying with your children. Discussion helps to take away the mystery and confusion that normally surrounds death. Spare your loved ones the stressful decisions.

I prepared a “Life Line Binder” for both of my children and we review it annually. The binder contains the following information for the 3 of us: birth certificates, social security cards, copy of driver’s license, deeds, titles, A Living Will, Power of Attorney, Health Care Power of Attorney, a DNR (do not resuscitate), insurance policies with account numbers, photographs, and a sealed hand-written letter from each of us to be read after death. I also had my kids designate each other as their beneficiaries.

The preparation and discussions will not lesson or shorten the grief process, but it will provide a method to address the sense of confusion and helplessness that always follows.

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on “I’m sorry for your loss
3 Comments on “I’m sorry for your loss
  1. This is so valuable. My dad and I never had this conversation. When he passed, I didn’t get to morn his loss because of the fundraising necessary to bury him. I was informed of a policy from my grandma but no one had any idea where to find the documents. In addition, parents be honest about the condition of your health. We want to protect our children from worrying but with sudden death, worrying doesn’t describe the emotion.

  2. So very needed. I learned this after my husband passed on. I did all of what you mentioned for my kids. They also have a list of utility companies, all my passwords, a list of what items I want given to who, as well as info on donating my car, furniture etc. OCD for sure but easier for them

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